How to Root Galaxy S4 on VRUAME7 Firmware

As usual when it comes to Verizon branded Android devices, root methods are hard to achieve. Anyhow, thanks to those of xda-developers now a new root solution has been made available for the Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4. The present operation is suitable for the S4 that runs on VRUAME7 firmware, so don’t use this tutorial if your device is powered by a different Android software build. Also, don’t worry as for this method you don’t have to flash pre-released kernels and other complex apps that can brick your device; this root solution is safe and works like a charm.
Root access must be gained if you want to use your Galaxy S4 on its full power, or if you want to access the internal system for customizing the Android platform. Also, root your phone if you want to overclock the CPU for bumping the speeds, undervolt the device for upgrading the battery life, install a custom recovery image like CWM or TWRP recovery, or flash custom ROMs updates. As you see, root access is quite important as without it you cannot power up the performances of your smartphone as you will always be restricted by the factory and default restrictions.
Well, while usually rooting the Galaxy S4 is an easy task to perform, when talking about the Verizon model, the fun begins. The root methods available for this device are not numerous and most of them aren’t working. This is happening because the Verizon firmwares are preventing root access. Anyway, even though it was harder than usual, those of xda-developers had managed to find a way that can be safely used for rooting the Galaxy S4 on VRUAME7 firmware.
The same method will be explained during the present step by step guide, so for the proper guidelines stick to the lines from below. Also, read all the following lines if you want to safely unchain the system of your SGS4, as if you manage to mess things up, you can end up in bricking your Android based handset.
As usual, the root operation remains the same unofficial task that will make you void the warranty of your handset. So, that’s why you should be careful when applying the steps from below. If somehow you damage your S4, you will be by yourselves as nobody will help you out. If you safely root your Galaxy S4, then for the future if you will need the warranty back, you will be able to restore it by: downgrading to stock Android OS, updating with an official version of the Android software (only manually as on rooted systems the OTA updates can’t be received or flashed), or un-rooting the OS by following a suitable tutorial.
Other than that, a backup must be completed. You see, considering the up mentioned aspects, the best will be to save your personal data, accounts and info before going any further – you can never be too sure when it comes to the stuffs that are important to you. Take care only of the data that is saved on the internal storage memory because the SD card will not be affected. On the backup process use dedicated backup and restore apps and tools from Google Play.
Now, take care of the pre requisites; don’t go any further without completing the lines from the following list because you will not be able to safely root your Verizon Galaxy S4 on VRUAME7 firmware.
  • Your Galaxy S4 must have a microSD card inserted.
  • The SD cad must be formatted – use exFAT format not the usual FAT32.
  • If you use a 64 GB SD card then you can format it from “storage settings”; else (for SD cards that features less than 64 GB), use a computer for completing the format operation.
  • Enable the USB debugging option on your S4 by going to “Settings -> Applications -> Development” – for properly connecting your device with the computer.
  • Install the Galaxy S4 drivers on the PC you will use (you can get the drivers via Samsung KIES).
  • Your phone must be fully charged; if not at least make sure that the battery status indicates more than 60% power left; else plug in the charger before gaining root access.
  • On the computer or notebook that you will use, deactivate the security protection because you need to download some files. The antivirus programs might interrupt the download and we don’t want that to happen.
  • Remember to apply this root solution only if you have to Verizon model of Samsung Galaxy S4 that runs on VRUAME7 firmware.

How to Root Galaxy S4 on VRUAME7 Firmware

  1. For being able to root your S4, on the computer download Android Terminal Emulator from here and the root package from here.
  2. Place the root package on desktop; make a new folder and on the same extract or unzip the root file.
  3. Now, connect your Galaxy S4 with the computer.
  4. Use the official USB cable for establishing the connection.
  5. Now copy-paste the unzipped files from the new folder you have created on desktop to your phone’s SD card.
  6. Then, you can unplug the USB cable for disconnecting the devices.
  7. Now, install the Android Terminal Emulator on your SGS4 – you have the download link above.
  8. Up next, run the installed app from App Drawer.
  9. On the window that will open enter the following commands: “cd /mnt/extSdCard; ./pwn; ./”.
  10. You can close the app now.
  11. Finally, launch the SuperSU app and let the tool update the binary files.
  12. Reboot and enjoy.
Good job, you have finally learned how to easily root your Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 on VRUAME7 firmware. You can install a custom recovery image or even a custom ROM software for updating with a custom Android based OS. Also, you can overclock / undervolt your Android device for obtaining more speeds and battery life or you can easily power up the performances. Do share your experience and plans with us by using the comments area from below and also use our how to section for searching other suitable step by step guides for your Verizon Galaxy S4.